Charlie McAvoy Claps Back at Gary Bettman

Dawson McKenzie
November 9, 2023  (2:30 PM)

Charlie McAvoy recently took an opportunity to comment on Gary Bettman and the appeal process for his suspension, which ultimately didn't go as he'd hoped.

McAvoy Takes Responsibility for 4-Game Suspension for Hight Hit

Charlie McAvoy was suspended for a high hit on Oliver Ekmund Larsson of the Florida Panthers. The hit was immediately penalized during the play and McAvoy was ejected. McAvoy was given a 4-game suspension the day after the hit occurred.
Charlie McAvoy gets a 4 game sussy for last night's hit on OEL
4 games was a pretty steep punishment for McAvoy, given he hadn't had a suspension since 2019. He decided to appeal the suspension. Gary Bettman ultimately upheld the 4-games.

McAvoy Calls Out Gary Bettman In Comments Regarding His 4-Game Suspension

Today, McAvoy addressed the media about the appeal process and called Gary Bettman out for taking his time to listen. Despite McAvoy believing he brought comparable hits and suspensions to the table, the decision for 4 games was upheld, as Bettman believed the actions were entirely avoidable.
"I appreciated Mr Bettman & team taking the time. Thought we made some really good points. We brought comparables to the table. I just want to get back on the ice & play hockey" McAvoy pushed for a 1-game reduction
McAvoy went on to say that while he does have a history, there was no injury, so he believed that the suspension should have been 3 games and not 4.
The way that we understood it, the way it was explained to us by George and Player Safety was that a Rule 48 suspension starts at 2 games, then you have two factors after that. So that's injury and history. So there's no injury on the play, and I have a history, so 2 plus 1 is 3 not 4.
Ultimately, McAvoy doesn't have a choice when it comes to the suspension, however, his explanation does make sense as to why an appeal was sought.
As seen on Bruins Insider - "Charlie McAvoy Releases A Unexpected Statement"
