Adam Johnson's Girlfriend Makes Heartbreaking Discovery at Their Home

TJ Tucker
November 17, 2023  (8:16)

Just when it seems like things can't get any sadder in the Adam Johnson tragedy, a new detail becomes public that is absolutely heart-breaking.

A Harrowing Discovery by the Girlfriend of Adam Johnson Following his Death

According to a report by USA Today, Ryan Wolfe, who had been dating Johnson for three years before he died, found an engagement ring at the apartment the couple shared in England while Johnson was playing for the Nottingham Panthers.
"Johnson had bought Wolfe an engagement ring before the couple flew to England for the 2023-24 hockey season and planned to propose to her, according to two close friends of Adam Johnson's family."

"They said Wolfe found the ring in the apartment she shared with Johnson in England − where Johnson played for the Nottingham Panthers of Elite Ice Hockey League – after Johnson's family revealed the secret."

A friend of the family told USA Today that Johnson had shown the ring to his grandmother before he and Wolfe left for England and he had told her he was planning to propose at some point.

A Heart-Breaking Discovery by the Girlfriend of Adam Johnson

Wolfe spoke at Johnson's funeral saying she would never stop loving him or thinking about him. Johnson died after getting cut on the neck by an opponent's skate during a game in England around three weeks ago. Matt Petgrave was arrested on suspicion of manslaughter. He's been released on bail. So far, no charges have been laid.
